
Workshop Inspect 4.0


Getting started with industrial cameras and machine learning for computer vision

09.30 - 10.00 Welcome and Coffee
  • Introduction (Gunther Steenackers, InviLab)
  • Presentation: The inner workings of a computer vision project with Machine Learning (Ritchie Heirmans, InviLab)
  • How to make quality images in an industrial setting: cameras and lighting (Bart Ribbens, InviLab)
  • Hands-on: Dataset building: structure and annotation (Ritchie Heirmans & Seppe Sels, InviLab)
12.30 - 13.45 Lunch
  • Presentation: Introduction to machine learning for computer vision (TBD)
  • Hands-on: building and training a Machine Learning model for computer vision in python (Ritchie Heirmans & Seppe Sels, InviLab)
16.00 - 17.00 Networking reception

Practical info


Friday 28 April 2023


Gebouw Z, Groenenborger campus, Universiteit Antwerpen
Groenenborgerlaan 171
2020 Antwerpen


Users group Inspect4.0: free of charge
Non-members: 200 euros


No prior knowledge of python is required. We offer a starter course, from which you can continue to work on your own with machine learning for computer vision. For the hands-on session, it is recommended that you bring your own laptop.


We work with online open source software, so you can work on your own laptop without any problems without installing additional apps.


I would like to attend

Members of the User group Inspect4.0: free of charge
Non-members: 200 euros

My organisation is a member of the Inspect 4.0 Users group