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Biomass providers and biomass converters (bioadditive producers) are looking for potential new applications for their products. Based on their intrinsic properties, biomaterials (e.g. cellulose, wood, cork, husks, fibres, etc.) are promising as additives to improve the properties of paints and coatings.

However, companies are struggling to estimate the added value of their biomaterials for coating applications.

There is a lack of knowledge about performance and how to make these materials compatible for coating formulations. In turn, coating formulators are eager to start working with bio-based additives and creating fully bio-based products.

To do so, companies need a clear overview of the added value of bio-based additives  and a structured approach to accelerate coating formulation with these bio-additives.

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Cooperation between these parties is essential here. End users are increasingly demanding more bio-based coatings under pressure from customers and the guidelines at various administrative levels driven by the European Green Deal.

In addition, they struggle with the question of how to determine (LCA) and communicate (Product passport) the ecological impact of the changed product composition they put on the market without running the risk that the company would be accused of greenwashing afterwards. 


With this project, Centexbel-VKC and Sirris will tackle these challenges from knowledge gained in several in-house, national and European projects on screening of biomaterials and functionalisation via mechanical, chemical, thermo-chemical routes (TRL6), supported by extensive facilities for coating formulation, application, testing and knowledge on LCA and eco-impact calculations.

AddBio aims to obtain maximum valorisation of high-value bio-based raw materials and waste streams for application as bio-based additives in coatings by conducting research and knowledge transfer through 3 case studies - fire retardancy, anti-corrosion and water resistance - into  

  1. suitability and pretreatment of biomass as an additive;  
  2. a systemic approach for accelerated formulation with these materials;  
  3. demonstration of increased performance of these coatings; 
  4. eco-impact  
  5. facilitate cooperation between the different actors in the new value chain.  
The project addresses the companies in the entire value chain for the development and application of coatings using bio-based additives, ranging from biomass suppliers, bio additive producers (converters), coating formulators, end users and suppliers of (bio)-chemical products.

The actual target group includes about 600 companies (30 bioadditive producers, 65 coating formulators and 500 manufacturing companies).  

For biomass suppliers and bio-additive producers, the project will lead to growth in scale, investment and employment as AddBio will facilitate knowledge exchange and cooperation with a new potential market. 

The Flemish suppliers of chemicals, coating formulators and the end users (applicators) will gain a competitive advantage and will be ahead of the state-of-the-art regarding bio-based coatings (both binder and additives), allowing them to maintain their employment at least until even further growth in the long run.

For the Flemish region, the project ensures valorisation of residual flows, offers increased functionality to products, and focuses on a bio-based economy without disrupting circularity and strengthens Flanders' position as a strong industrial region.
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Project managers

Brecht Demedts

Researcher "Coating & Finishing Technologies"

+32 9 243 46 92

Hilde Beeckman

Consultant Sustainable Processes, Coating and Finishing

+32 472 397 919

+32 9 243 82 32

Please fill out this form to receive more information about the possibilities to join the project. If you would like us to contact you, please indicate your preference.

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Project financing

Collective Research & Development and Collective Knowledge Transfer (COOCK), financed by Vlaio

Project HBC.2023.0479

01/01/2024 – 31/12/2026

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